Meet Divya Goel, Our Community Member of the Week
Community Spotlight: Divya Goel, Head of Marketing, PLL

Team Hashtag
2 min read
May 14, 2019

Name: Divya Goel
Job: Head of Marketing
Company: Premier Lacrosse League
LinkedIn: Divya Goel
In 140 characters or less, tell us who you are and how you got to where you are today.
I’m a data-driven sports marketing professional that has used analytics to drive the human connection between brands and their fans.
What’s one trend in media or marketing that you’re buying or selling?
Growth of consumer data profiling for the betterment of the consumer experience. I have a firm belief that in an honest company’s hands, the abundance of consumer data can be harnessed appropriately to make a consumer’s experience more enjoyable, personal, and efficient.
How do you define engagement?
Engagement can be considered any touch point with a consumer/brand/fan. It can be as simple as a like or comment on a social post, but can also range to more complex experiences like an entire game or tune-in experience.
What’s the project or campaign that you’re proudest of? Why?
Most live events I’ve worked on end up being my favorite. When I was with the NFL, we repeatedly set records for attendance at every Kickoff, Draft, Combine, Pro Bowl, and Super Bowl, always trying to provide new experiences to the fan. These attendance goals were heavily tied to the marketing and media we put into market, and highlighted the effectiveness of an efficient marketing strategy. Nothing could compare to looking down Benjamin Franklin Parkway during the Draft in Philadelphia and seeing the entire street packed for as far as the eye could see, and knowing that you had a hand in getting them there.
What are you working on right now? Any exciting future plans that you’re able to share?
Really focusing on building a new league and pioneering the way sports operate, both on and off the field. Particularly, our inaugural season starts June 1st. We have all hands on deck, and with a broadcast contract with NBC in place, we are excited to have the opportunity to bring Lacrosse to a larger set of people.
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As a connected fan, what’s the most engaging piece of sports content that you have recently consumed?
As much as I might sound biased, my favorite piece of sports content has been a Fast Company article published about the PLL. I was just starting to learn more about the league, and that article gave me great insight into the founding, background, operations, and mentality of not only the Rabil brothers but of the organization they were trying to create.
What’s been the biggest high and low of working in sports?
The biggest high for me is to see the passion of fans. There’s nothing that can beat the reaction of a fan if you can offer them a once in a lifetime, one of a kind experience – it’s something that makes all the long hours worth it. On the flip side, passion sometimes ends up being misplaced, which is my least favorite part of this industry. There are so many voices in so many places that are very critical of every element of the process. You can’t make everyone happy, but I will always try.
What’s one element of the sports industry that you’d like to see change?
I think the historic nature of the sports industry has allowed the industry to get away with some antiquated practices and organizational silos that need to be broken down. The PLL business model and organizational structure is a stride in that direction, but for sports to continue with the stronghold they have in the entertainment space, historic organizations need to embrace marketing, ticketing, game ops, and technology all coming together.

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